Croatian Gas Centre Ltd.

The Croatian Gas Association has established a company called the Croatian Gas Centre Ltd. (CGC), a company for consulting and services, with headquarters in Zagreb, Ulica Vjekoslava Heinzela 9. The CGC is registered before the Commercial Court in Zagreb on 5th of July 2007, and is 100% owned by the Association.


The establishment of CGC has enabled us to expand certain activities by undertaking the following:

Transfer and application of scientific and expert knowledge in the field of engineering and technology, the distribution and use of gas in design, construction and management of gas facilities and energy systems, analysis, revisions and reviews of various study materials, technical solutions and various other unspecified activities related to the development of the gas and energy market.

Based on the above activities the company CGC provides solutions by offering professional-expert-scientific advice, analyses, revisions and reviews. In the analysis process, reputable experts and scientists with many years of experience partake in reviewing various solutions and advice.

Good advice is worth its weight in gold” is an old saying where it is most certainly applicable in the energy sector, the use of new technologies, distribution, the use and application of gas and others facets.

The company is registered for the following business activities:

  • organization of scientific-professional conferences, symposiums, seminars, fairs, exhibitions, shows, courses and the like in the energy and gas business
  • services for the application of modern scientific and expert know-how in the area of engineering and technology for the distribution and use of gas in designs, construction and management of gas and energy facilities in the system
  • publishing of journals, informative publications, statistical yearbooks, and other types of publications, as well as print activities in the profession
  • preparing or translation, as well as publication of professional literature and technical manuals, handbooks and guidelines
  • services involving technical and technological testing of new products in the gas and energy sector
  • services involving modern technologies and testing their efficiency, testing of quality and environmental protection
  • services involving analyzing samples and consequences of inadequacies in the maintenance of systems, as well as improving business efficiency
  • promotional activities (advertisements and propaganda)
  • consultancy services in market research and surveying of public opinion and promotional activities
  • consultancy relating to business and management
  • services relating to technical management of systems

Croatian Gas Center Ltd. Ulica Vjekoslava Heinzela 9/2, Zagreb, Croatia
VAT ID: HR93249648961
Entity’s court registration number (MBS): 080615893, Tt-12/684-2, Commercial Court in Zagreb
Share capital: 2.650,00 EUR, paid in full
IBAN: HR 85 2340 0091 1102 8504 6
Bank: Privredna banka Zagreb d.d., Radnička cesta 50, Zagreb, Croatia

Director: Assoc. Prof. Dalibor Pudić, PhD
Founder/member: Croatian Gas Association (CGA)